Your first Gynaecology appointment

Expert Women’s Care in Melbourne

The following information will help to prepare you for your first gynaecological appointment with Dr Peter Jurcevic. Please think about what you would like to discuss in this appointment and write questions in advance if this makes it easier to remember on the day.

I deliver a full range of gynaecological services from IUD insertions to endometriosis assessment and diagnosis, most of which can be performed in the rooms. Your first appointment will involve a thorough check up and discussion about your concern.

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Your first appointment will involve a medical check-up and discussion about your gynaecological concern. This will usually take approximately 30 minutes and will usually include an examination and Pap smear as needed. Further investigations inclusive of blood tests and/or ultrasound scan will be as per the presenting symptoms. Colposcopy (assessment of the cervix for Pap smear anomalies) and IUD insertions are able to be performed in the rooms. Some conditions will be able to be treated conservatively but occasionally surgical therapies will be recommended. Whilst Dr Peter Jurcevic always look towards surgery as a last resort option, where it is recommended it will be based on sound clinical evidence and performed expertly based on his medical training.

Follow up appointments for assessment of health progression and treatment response, removal of sutures post-surgery, general wellbeing checks including biannual Pap smear will be as per the presenting problem.